22nd - 24th June 2025
Hybrid Conference

Our world is suffering. People are struggling with mental illness. There is terrorism and war - people thinking they can solve their own problems by hurting others; political divide and loss of confidence in leadership; economic hardship and existential worry about the future of our world.
We have realised, however, that something vital is missing from the discussions around what is happening: A focus on the importance of the Mind. The importance of looking after ourselves and helping others look after themselves also by accessing our innate potential for well-being and clarity. The importance of our individual and collective level of consciousness.
There are huge untapped human resources available. We are confident that humanity has more than enough wisdom to resolve its challenges. But only with love. Only with optimism. Only together.
We are certain that the Principles understanding offers this hope. The message of Sydney Banks is as relevant as it has ever been. Not his words, not his ideas, not his teachings, but the underlying truth to which he pointed remains so necessary.
And so, we have come to feel that providing the service of the Conference is more important than ever. We want to create a place and space to come together, along with international speakers, with shared feeling, shared hope, and shared optimism. In-person, as well as online for those who cannot make it to London. We look forward to seeing you there!
In-Person Event Venue:
Marylebone Theatre
The 3PUK Conference will be held at the Marylebone Theatre in London. This amazing venue has great transport links as well as being within walking distance from a large number of hotels, restaurants, shops and bars.
Why Hybrid?
We know that many of you cannot make it to London and we want you to be able to join us too. We have continued to improve our online offering. We want you to feel like you are a part of the conference, like you are in the room with us. We know that people that have joined us online in the past feel very connected to the speakers and the participants. They tell us they get a tangible feeling for the room and the event. We know that the essence of what we are doing is not physical, so we know we can feel equally connected online. You can join us from wherever you are in the world, live, or at your own convenience with a virtual ticket to the event. And you will have until June 2026 to catch up on all the breakouts you missed or to watch your favourite sessions again (or the ones in which you got distracted).

Why Come In Person?
The experience of getting together in-person to do this has always been rich and transformative. Shaul, in particular, has been insistent on how important this is. There is always a magical richness and energy in the room that isn’t quite the same when you join online.
It is also an opportunity to meet and talk to each other and our speakers.
If you can’t make it in person, the virtual experience is still fabulous. But if you can be here with us in the room, you will see just how special that is. You will not regret the extra effort.

Ticket Pricing & Subsidies
This year, you will see that that we have designed three price-points for our 3 day passes; Supported, Standard and Supporter and you’ll be completely free to decide which option best suits you.
However, we do understand that the current financial climate may leave some people in a difficult situation. So we can offer further concessions through our subsidy page found here.
3PUK Life 2.0 Conference

Our aim is to work towards a better world for everyone. The organisation has distinct parts in the areas of education and well-being empowering people to enjoy a healthier relationship with themselves in every aspect of life. As a starting point we want to point people towards their innate psychological and spiritual functioning by teaching them an understanding of the relationship between thinking and experience.

The Three Principles Global Community (3PGC) is a non-profit organization that is committed to bringing an understanding of The Three Principles to people throughout the world. Our mission is to increase the number of people who are teaching, sharing and learning The Principles, and to enhance and facilitate professional collaboration in this field.