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Shane Kennedy
Lone Pine Publishing

Shane Kennedy moved to Salt Spring Island at an early age to learn from Sydney Banks. He later became the editor and publisher of the books of Sydney Banks as well as publishing over 2,500 other titles about nature, gardening, history and cooking. He has produced the videos of the interviews and talks given by Sydney Banks that are on Syd’s YouTube channel and the 3PGC website.

Although Shane studied psychology and the Three Principles under Roger Mills and Sydney Banks, he chose to contribute to sharing this understanding by helping Syd and others communicate to the growing communities through books, audio recordings and videos.

Shane has also filmed many documentaries for broadcast television that focus on environmental and Indigenous concerns throughout North America, the Andes, the Amazon, the High Arctic, the Darien rainforest, Easter Island, Papua New Guinea, SE Asia, Borneo and many other areas. Shane is of Indigenous heritage.

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