Jan Chipman
Chip and Jan had the honor of being mentored by Sydney Banks from 1975 until 2009. From 1994 to 2004 they conducted retreats with him in Europe and North America. His guidance during these events about sharing in as deep and simple a manner as possible, guides their work to this day. They currently share their understanding though speaking engagements, retreats and webinars worldwide. From their base on Salt Spring Island, they offer one on one Skype sessions as well as retreats for individuals, couples, and groups. The books and recordings of Sydney Banks are fundamental to all their work, helping countless people find happiness and understanding after being touched by those original materials. Chip is President of the Three Principles Foundation, and in 2008, co-founded the Three Principles School on Salt Spring Island, dedicated to sharing the simplicity and purity of the Three Principles, “As discovered and taught by Sydney Banks”.
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